These are the 35th anniversary edition of the Borders. In the first edition, the mother wears an apron and the twins were sold separately.
Here I have to bios for the first edition. Either for the calico range or for the rerelease they are slightly different. I am not quite sure which.
There are also two different markings, with these being the so-called calico markings. See the other mold here. I do not call the marking calico or sylvanian markings as both molds were used in the original calico release and the 35th borders have the so-called calico markings worldwide.
I love my borders!
Border Collie Family
Father Samuel Border is a Forest Ranger. He knows everything there is to know about living in the great outdoors and loves to share his knowledge with the boys and girls of Calico Village. Whatever Samuel has planned, you can be sure he always rounds everyone up at the end of each day and leads them safely back home!
Mother Janice Border loves to fuss, she always checks to see that her husband has a spare compass in his pocket, as well as extra batteries for his torch. Even if the sun is shining she puts a thick sweater in his rucksack – well you never know when it might get a little chilly!
Brother Patrick is just like his father. He loves being surrounded by nature and wants to be a Forest Ranger too when he grows up. But all he can think about at the moment is cross country running! Whatever the weather he can be found deep in the calico countryside running!
Sister Jenny Border is quite different to everyone else in her family. She is very quiet and loves being at home playing with her calico critters. Her favourite game is to hide them all over the garden, she then likes to round them up!
Carly and Cameron Border never keep still. They are always racing each other around the garden and if they are not jumping over the daffodils they are jumping over each other! They only quieten down when their exasperated mother tells them to!